New Allied Races Ahead! Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Trolls (2024)

World of Warcraft

Blizzard Entertainment

New Allied Races Ahead! Kul Tiran Humans and Zandalari Trolls (1)

Two new playable Allied Races are waiting in the wings to join the Battle for Azeroth as part of the Horde and Alliance—but first, you’ll need to prove your worth and earn your way into their good graces.

Zandalari Troll

The Zandalari are a proud people whose origins date back to the early days of Azeroth's history. Their fierce warriors ride dinosaurs into battle, and they possess one of the most formidable naval fleets in the known world.

Available Classes: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior

Racial Traits:
City of Gold: Discover more gold from creatures.
Embrace of the Loa: Beseech a loa, obtaining one of six powerful boons.
Pterrordax Swoop: Summons a pterrodax to reduce your falling speed.
Regeneratin’: Concentrate to heal yourself rapidly over a short time.

To unlock this Allied Race:

  • Reach Exalted with Zandalari Empire
  • Earn the achievement Zandalar Forever!
    • Complete the following achievements on the continent of Zandalar: The Throne of Zuldazar, The Dark Heart of Nazmir, Secrets in the Sands, A Bargain of Blood, The Final Seal
  • Earn the achievement Tides of Vengeance
    • Complete the Horde Tides of Vengeance War Campaign: The Day Is Won, Mekkatorque’s Battle Plans, Through the Front Door, Fly Out to Meet Them

When the next content update goes live, players who’ve completed these requirements will gain access to a quest chain to recruit the Zandalari as an Allied Race. Once you complete the chain, you’ll receive the achievement Allied Races: Zandalari Troll and can create a new Zandalari on the character creation screen.

Note that while the campaign continues into the Battle of Dazar’alor raid dungeon, completing that is not required to gain access to the new race.

New Heritage Armor and Mount

Leveling your new Zandalari troll from 20 to 110 will earn you a cosmetic Heritage Armor set that is unique to this new Allied Race. You’ll also unlock a new mount—the Zandalari Direhorn—for your collection at character creation, which all of your Horde characters can ride.

Kul Tiran Human

Kul Tiras was founded by fearless explorers who sailed uncharted waters in search of adventure. As a key member of the Alliance of Lordaeron, the Kul Tiran navy dominated the seas of Azeroth with its legendary fleet.

Available Classes: Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warrior

Racial Traits:
Brush It Off:
Increases Versatility and heals a portion of the damage you take.
Child of the Sea: Swim faster and breathe longer underwater.
Haymaker: Smash your opponent, stunning and knocking them back.
Jack of All Trades: Skill in all professions increased.
Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Resistant to Frost and Nature damage.

To unlock this Allied Race:

  • Reach Exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty
  • Earn the achievement A Nation United
    • Complete the following achievements and quests on the continent of Kul Tiras: A Nation United, Loremaster of Kul Tiras, The Pride of Kul Tiras.
  • Earn the achievement Tides of Vengeance
    • Complete the Alliance Tides of Vengeance War Campaign: War Marches On, The Sleeper Agent, Mischief Managed, He Who Walks in the Light

When the next content update goes live, players who’ve completed the requirements will gain access to a quest chain to recruit the Kul Tirans as an Allied race. Once you complete the chain, you’ll receive the achievement Allied Races: Kul Tiran and can create a new Kul Tiran on the character creation screen.

Note that while the campaign continues into the Battle of Dazar’alor raid dungeon, completing that is not required to gain access to the new race.

New Heritage Armor and Mount

Leveling your new Kul Tiran human from 20 to 110 will earn a cosmetic Heritage Armor set that is unique to this new Allied Race. You’ll also unlock a new mount—the Kul Tiran Charger—for your collection at character creation, which all of your Alliance characters can ride.

War Campaign Road Map

If you’re still working your way through the Horde and Alliance War Campaigns, don’t worry. We’ve put together a brief walkthrough of what you need to do to prepare to unlock the new Allied Races.

  • Horde War Campaign
  • Alliance War Campaign

At level 110 and after you’ve completed the opening quest lines of Battle for Azeroth, you’ll be introduced to the new War Campaign and begin the road to opening new Footholds over time in the opposite faction’s territories.

Your first quest will be The War Campaign, which introduces you to War Resources. After the quest Mission From the Warchief, you’ll be introduced to the mission table, which will allow you to begin sending followers you gain through your adventures out to carry out missions.

Access to Footholds will become available as you level through Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Vol’dun. At each key point in your journey (level 110, 114, and 118) you’ll be able to establish a new Foothold in Drustvar, Stormsong Valley, and Tiragarde Sound. At level 120, you’ll begin focusing more on reaching reputation milestones with The Honorbound.

Ready for War (Achievements)

Complete the War Campaign in Zandalar and Kul Tiras.

  • Drustvar Foothold
  • Tiragarde Sound Foothold
  • Stormsong Valley Foothold
  • Chapter 1: The First Assault—Requires level 120 and Friendly reputation with The Honorbound to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: Breaking Kul Tiran Will, Into the Heart of Tiragarde, Our Mountain Now, Making Ourselves at Home, Bridgeport Investigation, Explosives in the Foundry, Explosivity, Ammunition Acquisition, Gunpowder Research
  • Chapter 2: The Marshal’s Grave—Requires at least 4,500 into Friendly reputation with The Honorbound to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: A Stroll Through a Cemetery, Examining the Epitaphs, State of Unrest, Our Lot in Life, The Crypt Keeper, What Remains of Marshal M. Valentine
  • Chapter 3: Death of a Tidesage—Requires at least 3,000 into Honored reputation with The Honorbound to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: Tracking Tidesages, No Price Too High, They Will Know Fear, Scattering Our Enemies, Commander and Captain, Zelling’s Potential, Whatever Will Be, To Be Forsaken
  • Chapter 4: At the Bottom of the Sea—Requires at least 7,500 into Honored reputation with The Honorbound to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: Journey to the Middle of Nowhere, Deep Dive, Seafloor Shipwreck, Checking Dog Tags, The Sunken Graveyard, Biolumi-Nuisance, Captain By Captain, The Undersea Ledge, Water-Breathing Dragon, Grab and Go, With Prince in Tow
  • Chapter 5: The Strike on Boralus—Requires Revered reputation with The Honorbound to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: When a Plan Comes Together, Old Colleagues, The Bulk of the Guard, A Well Placed Portal, Relics of Ritual, Forfeit Souls, Tidesage Teachings, Gaining the Upper Hand, Return to the Harbor, Life Held Hostage, The Aid of the Tides, A Cycle of Hatred

Tides of Vengeance

Complete the Horde Tides of Vengeance War Campaign.

  • Chapter 6: The Day Is Won—Requires the completion of the Ready for War achievement to begin this quest line.
    • Quests: Our War Continues, Azerite Denied, The Fury of the Horde, Cleaning Out the Estate, Machines of War and Azerite, With Honor, The Hunt Never Ends, Ride Out to Meet Them, The Day Is Won
  • Chapter 7: Mekkatorque’s Battle Plans—Requires the completion of the War Campaign chapter The Day is Won and at least 7,000 into Revered reputation with The Honorbound.
    • Quests: A Mech for a Goblin, It Belongs in My Mech!, Avoiding Lawsuits 101, The Right Mech for the Job, Necessary Precautions, Test Case #1; Mech vs. Mekkatorque, Insurance Policy, Insurance Renewal, Killing on the Side, Mekkatorque’s Battle Plans, Mech Versus Airship, A Goblin’s Definition of Success
  • Chapter 8: Through the Front Door—Requires the completion of the Mekkatorque’s Battle Plans chapter of the War Campaign and at least 14,000 into Revered reputation with The Honorbound.
    • Quests: Breaking Out Ashvane, Face Your Enemy, Be More Uniform, A Brilliant Distraction, Catching a Ride, Through the Front Door
  • Chapter 9: Fly Out to Meet Them—Requires the completion of the Through the Front Door chapter of the War Campaign.
    • Quests: War Is Here, Ride of the Zandalari, No One Left Behind, A Path of Blood, Retaking the Outpost, Putting the Gob in Gob Squad, Re-rebuilding the A.F.M.O.D., It’s Alive!, The Battle of Zul’jan Ruins, We Have Them Cornered, Zandalari Justice, None Shall Escape, Breaking Mirrors, Telaamon’s Purge, Parting Mists, Fly Out to Meet Them

At level 110 and after you’ve completed the opening quest lines of Battle for Azeroth, you’ll be introduced to the new War Campaign and begin the road to opening new Footholds over time in the opposite faction’s territories.

Your first quest will be The War Campaign, which introduces you to War Resources. After the quest Mission From the King, you’ll be introduced to the mission table, which will allow you to begin sending followers you gain through your adventures out to carry out missions.

Access to Footholds will become available as you level through Tiragarde Sound, Drustvar, and Stormsong Valley. At each key point in your journey (level 110, 114, and 118) you’ll be able to establish a new Foothold in Nazmir, Zuldazar, and Vol’dun. At level 120, you’ll begin focusing more on reaching reputation milestones with the 7th Legion.

Ready for War (Achievements)

Complete the War Campaign in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.

  • Nazmir Foothold
  • Vol’dun Foothold
  • Zuldazar Foothold
  • Chapter 1: Blood on the Sand—Requires level 120 and Friendly reputation with the 7th Legion to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: The Vol’dun Plan, Comb the Desert, Dirty Work, Classic Reliquary, Never Stop Combing, A Message to the Zandalari, Improvised Survival, They Have Alpacas Here, Delayed Deathification, Full of Arrows, The Big Boom
  • Chapter 2: Chasing Darkness—Requires at least 4,500 into Friendly reputation with the 7th Legion to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: How to Kill a Dark Ranger, The Savage Hunt, Tortollans in Distress, They Can’t Stay Here, One Option: Fire, Ending Areiel, Meeting of the Minds, Target: Blood Prince Dreven
  • Chapter 3: A Golden Opportunity—Requires at least 3,000 into Honored reputation with the 7th Legion to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: Our Next Target, The Void Elves Stand Ready, The Void Solution, Find the Paper Trail, Chasing Gallywix, I Take No Pleasure in This, We Have Him Cornered, Gallywix Got Away
  • Chapter 4: Blood in the Water—Requires at least 7,500 into Honored reputation with the 7th Legion to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: Hunting Blood Prince Dreven, Broadside Bedlam, The Wildhammer Specialty, An Unnatural Crew, Foul Crystals for Foul People, Kings’ Rest, Ending the San’layn Threat, A Clean Escape
  • Chapter 5: The Strike on Zuldazar—Requires Revered reputation with the 7th Legion to begin the associated War Campaign quests to earn this achievement.
    • Quests: Bringing Down the Fleet, How to Sink a Zandalari Battleship, Under the Cover of Swiftwing, Ship Logs, Sabotaging the Pa’ku, The Enlarged Miniaturized Submarine, My Enemy’s Enemy Is My Disguise, Intelligence Denial, Right Beneath Their Nose, Void Vacation, Victory Is Assured, Leave None Alive, Silencing the Advisor, An End to Killing

Tides of Vengeance

Complete the Alliance Tides of Vengeance War Campaign.

  • Chapter 6: War Marches On—Requires the completion of the Ready for War achievement to begin this quest line.
    • Quests: The Calm Before, To Anglepoint, Stand Fast, Zero Zeppelins, Repel the Horde!, Squad Goals, Besieged Allies, Outrigger Outfitters, Gunpowder Plots, Masking for a Friend, Free Plumeria!, Shots Fired, Stopping the Sappers, Express Delivery, War Marches On
  • Chapter 7: The Sleeper Agent—Requires the completion of the War Marches On chapter of the War Campaign and at least 7,000 into Revered reputation with the 7th Legion.
    • Quests: Sensitive Intel, Real Big Power, A Beast With Brains, Out of Options, Freedom for the Da’kani, Bittersweet Goodbyes, The Needs of the Many, Bring the Base, Fit for Grong, Calibrate the Core, The Embiggining, Total Temple Destruction, A Nice Nap, The Sleeper Agent
  • Chapter 8: Mischief Managed—Requires the completion of The Sleeper Agent chapter of the War Campaign and 14,000 Revered reputation with the 7th Legion.
    • Quests: The Abyssal Scepter, The Treasury Heist, Mischief Managed
  • Chapter 9: He Who Walks in the Light—Requires the completion of Mischief Managed chapter of the War Campaign.
    • Quests: The Fall of Zuldazar, The March to Nazmir, Repurposing Their Village, Dark Iron Machinations, Fog of War, Lurking in the Swamp, Zul’jan Deluge, Showing Our Might, Taming Their Beasts, The Mech of Death, Taking the Blood Gate, He Who Walks in the Light

Want to see just how far along you are? Check out Wowhead’s tracker.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.