Begin the game by pressing at the main menu. The screen will fade to black and you can deal with the the brightness setup. After a quick little opening cutscene, your grandpa will fall asleep.
Walk over to and use the TV. Click on the plug which is located on the left side of the screen to unplug it. Now, use your grandpa. Buttonmash to rip his teeth from his mouth. Walk over to the fishbowl and press
to open your inventory. Use the teeth on the bowl. Enter your room through the door on the right.
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After a strange cutscene, you will wake up in your room. First, walk over to your drawer which is to your left. In the drawer, click on the matchbox to close it. Then, the scissors to open them. And finally the tape measure to suck the measure back in. Now, click on the candy. A bug will walk through the maze and get stuck to it. Pick the bug up. Walk to the far right of the room and pick up the feather duster/broom/whatever it is. Then, use your bed. Use what you just picked up on the bug. Now, use the split wire at the bottom of the room to electrify a flying bug out of the air. Pick it up. Walk over to your door on the left and try to use it. A spider will appear. Use all 3 bugs one-by-one on the spider. Once it explodes, walk over to one of his eyes which is now stuck to the wall behind you (under the window). Use it to unlock:
Jessy C Delight
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Leave through the spider door.
Walk underneath the chandelier and an arrow should appear above it. Press . Go left twice, the go down to land on your body. Use the window above you. Wait for a little bit without doing anything. A mask, face thing will appear in the bottom left portion and unlock you:
She Is Coming
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Now, grab the glass shard from the bottom right portion and back out with . Use the chandelier and go left twice again before dropping down. Use the key painting in the back of the room to reveal a key, then grab it. Walk left to the door before the hand pops out and scares you. Walk into the hand and you will be killed for the first time (Death 1/20). This will unlock:
First Blood
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Press to respawn from the red screen and use the chandeliers to go all the way back to the beginning of the room. Use the little cabinet at the top right, then use your key on it. Open the left door, then grab the oil can from the top left. Use the chandeliers to go left and drop down when you are above the key. Go left and use the oil can and the glass shard on the suit of armor. Spawn in the arm from the left door. Now, enter the suit of armor and press
to cut of its hands. Now, enter the door.
Walk to the fishbowl and pick it up. Dump it out on your grandpa. Use the chandelier. Drop back down. An arrow should show up slightly above the chandelier. Use it and you should crash the whole thing down to floor. Climb up it into the hole.
Grab the wicker basket. Then grab the stick from the tree below by mashing and grab the egg. Use the stick on the top left tree hole. Then, use the egg there too. Grab the tennis ball from below grandpa. Use the ball on him/the dog. Now, use the well. Put the bucket on the rope. Scoop up the ball using it. Now, give the ball to Gramps/Doggo.
Back to the spooky zone. For an achievement, you must be here just before midnight (like 11:58 PM preferably, real time). You can also change the time on your Xbox if you are able to play games while offline. For an example of how to do so, look here:
Elder Signs
Halo 3: View 2 different sigils on Valhalla.
4 guides
Walk over to the table and climb onto it. Grab the knife and stick your hand in the burger. Stand in front of the grandfather clock as it hits 12:00 AM and it will go off like coo coo clock for a bit. Eventually, a ghost should appear and be all spooky above you. This will unlock:
Mother I Miss You
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Now, walk all the way right into the Headless Chicken to get killed by it (Death 2/20), then press to respawn. Then, walk back to the platter. Use it to lift the lid off. Walk up to the fridge and enter it (
). Grab the eggs, then use the knife on the little string things. Use them. A strange monster will pop out. Interact with it to get some maggots. Leave the fridge. Trigger the rage of the chicken, then run back to the pig head (on the formerly closed platter) and use it to hide your head in it. Wait for the chicken to walk past you, then press
again to put your head back on. Walk over to the drawer before the oven and use it. Grab the matchbox. Walk past the oven and grab the flour. Now, hide your head in the trash if the chicken is coming. Wait until he leaves, then use the oven. Throw the flour, maggots, and eggs into the pan. Then, turn up the heat at the top left. Press the fire button at the top right and immediately use the matchbox on the tube that is spewing out gas. Open the oven and hide in the trash. The chicken should stick its head(?) in the oven and get cooked. Use the chicken to chow down. This will unlock you:
Headless Chicken Defeated
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Now, start walking left until you are stopped. Your character will hold its stomach because it is time for defecation. Then, just keep on walking in circles (occasionally farting) until you poop to death (Death 3/20). This will unlock:
Nice To Poo You
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Spawn in, then kill and eat the chicken again. Run all the way left and enter the bathroom.
First, use the sink on your right. Turn the ball valve which is located to the upper left of the mirror. Water should start spewing out to the left. Now, use the toilet to avoid pooping to death again. Try to flush the toilet to make the poop scream at you. Don't buttonmash like it tells you to. This will kill you (Death 4/20). Press to respawn.
Make the poop scream at you (actually buttonmash to survive now) until the pipe in the top left is nearly falling off of the little rack that it's on (this will happen after 3 survivals). Now, press the button on the left and hurry over to flush the toilet again. This should crack the monster's mask and make the pipe fall to the floor. Pick up the pipe. Now, use the sink again. Use your newly acquired pipe on the water that's spewing out on the left. Click on the pipe until it fits properly. It will shake like crazy. Now, twist the valve that's on the right side of the screen. Those pipes will start to shake. Next, use the faucet. The monster's mask should be removed. Press the button in the bottom right, then walk left until the poop gets sucked into the fan.
You will be Doggo now. Fly to the big hole in the tree and use it. You will pee on it and a flying turnip will appear. Follow one to scare it over to the monster in the bottom-right. Drink some water by going to the left of the boat, then repeat. After repeating enough times, the monster will be extremely bloated and you should be able to see that it's sweating. Use it, and it should fart so much that it will fly off screen. Fly all the way down the hole that was to the right of it. Keep using the worm until it starts fleeing you by going up the dirt shaft. Just scare it up the hole until it leave the opening. At the top, use it a few more times until it jumps onto Bulb Boy's hook. He should get happy until the monster falls back down through the boat. You will be taken back to spooky land.
Time to roll out. Roll right until you go down the hole, then go all the way left into the worms (Death 5/20). Respawn and follow the path until you reach the worms. Go right towards the weird Half-Life type monster. Go past it and fall in the hole. Roll right and into the hole where you will be killed by the Half-Life monster. Respawn. Roll left into the submarine. Use the lever. Then, go all the way right until you fall by a clam. Roll left and a worm will start following you. Move right until you reach the clam. Use it when the worm is really close. The worm should get sucked into the tentacle thing. If not, hop back out and use it again once the worm gets a bit closer. Once it gets sucked in, hop out and move left until you can use the dead fish. Now, as long as you're quick, the tentacle monsters won't kill you.
Swim up to the ceiling and follow it to the left. There will be a hole in the ceiling with a few worms and a weird thing. Swim up to and use the thing. Mario bones will pop out. This will unlock:
Plumber Remains
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Now, swim down into the death hole. Follow the path left avoiding all of the things trying to brutally murder you. Go up through the fish bones and past the tentacle thing. Swim up past the worms and through the tentacles. Swim past all the worms avoiding letting any of them touch you until you reach the exit at the end. Use it.
You'll enter a room full of worms. However, they will be sucked up into a boss fight. Enter the pathway to the upper left. Follow the safe pathways. Pick up the snail from the top of the far right, safe cave. Head back to the left and use the grape barrels to get the boss drunk. Swim back to him and go down the bottom left hole where you will come across a blobfish. If the worms are following you, it will suck in the mine allowing you to swim past. Swim all the way right and use the door. Buttonmash until it opens. You will electrocute a bunch and kill all worms around you. Use the snail on the weird eel/fish. Pick up the no longer shelled snail (I'll just call it a slug). Feed the slug to the blobfish. Keep using the landmine until it becomes the boss's eye. Go up to the snail cave, then look at the button. Use it to blow up the big boy. This will unlock:
Drunken Earthworm Defeated
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Go back to the big pile of worms (his dead body) and make them follow you. Before you leave this area, you have to get 100 of these killed. Make them follow you back to the eel/fish guy in the bottom. Use him to electrocute them all. If you don't have the achievement, let a tentacle thing kill you in the top. Repeat until you will unlock:
Tasty Larvae
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Then, leave through the door that was behind the boss before it died.
Old man time. Occasionally, you will have to mash to wake up. Hobble your way underneath the lightbug at the top of the screen until there is an arrow over it. Use it. Grab the watering can that it knocked down. Use it on the faucet to the right. Then, use it to water the plant. And, that's the nice area finished.
As soon as you spawn, drop down NOT ON THE SPIDER. Roll right into the spider (Death 6/20). Respawn, then wait for the spider to be below you. Drop down onto it to take over its body. Run left and up onto the ceiling. A strawberry monster will roar at you, then start spitting acid. Make sure that the spit hits you (Death 7/20). Respawn, then make the strawberry spit on the spiderweb above your dog. Then, make it spit on your dog (Death 8/20). Respawn, then use the faucet that was below your original spawn. Pick it up. Climb up the left wall. Make the strawberry destroy all of the spider webs along this side. A toxic barrel will drop all the way to the floor. Climb down, then use the faucet on it. Climb up the right side. Make the strawberry shoot the bath tub at the top. It will deflect the spit into the web below. Grab the watering can. Use the toxic barrel. Then, use the watering can on the faucet. Use your toxin filled watering can on the plant pot. This will kill the strawberry.
Now, controls BB and
controls Doggo. Use Doggo on the medkit and grab the tape. Use the split wire as BB. Then, use the light switch as Doggo. Next, use him on the bugs. Guide the bugs into the second light. Then, move BB under the goo and tape to light up above it. Guide the bugs into the BB light for them to get stuck. Pick up the tape using BB. Move BB all the way left until the bunny kills you (Death 9/20). Respawn and do the same with Doggo (Death 10/20). Move the dog over to the light after BB's light and bark. Guide the bunny back to where it can eat the bugs. Roll BB to the left and tape up the hole. Then, roll farther and grab the plug. Go back to the right and use the weird vacuum thing. Use the plug on the outlet. Turn it on. Roll back left until you get suck up. Fall left onto your body. Walk to the right and use the bunny. This will unlock:
Snotty Bunny Defeated
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Use the door that was behind it.
Use Gramps. Press the button in the left of the monster. Then, go to the top left of it until a 'Use' arrow appears. Use it to enter the monster.
I received no checkpoints on this boss, but many other people have informed me that they exist. The walkthrough was originally written as if you had to restart the entire fight after each death. I have tried to fix it as best as I could without knowing where the checkpoints are.
First, roll left and get crushed by the teeth (Death 11/20). Respawn. Get past the teeth, then use the blowy air from down the hole to blow you up to the upper floor. Then, use the first blowy air hole (Death 12/20). Respawn, then get back to this location again, but dodge the kill blowy hole. Then, dodge the next one to so that you end up in the hole with teeth (Death 13/20). Now use the third blowy hole to get over the ledge past the previous 2 deaths. Roll left to end up in the lung. Use the left thing and you should lick it. You will destroy the lung and be kicked out of the monster's body. Stay still and it will shoot fire up into you (Death 14/20). Get back to this point, but dodge the monsters attacks by dodging left and right until it calms down. Enter the monster again. Get past the teeth, then and fall down. Enter the heart door to your right and die to the poop fire (Death 15/20). Respawn. Fall down by the heart door again and fall to the left. Head right, and barely fall of the ledge so that you are on the poop sign path. Head to the left down the poop path making sure to avoid getting pooped on. You will be killed (Death 16/20). Respawn, and go down the poop path again, but get pooped on first. Use the thing at the end. Dodge to the left, then go down. The monster will stand up and move to the left at you. It will suck you in (Death 17/20).
*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
Respawn, then get back to where you just where. Bolt up and as far as you possibly can from the monster immediately. Do this until it stops trying to suck you in. Go back in the monster.
These teeth are annoying. When it goes down all but the 1st two teeth like an escalation, wait in the 1st two teeth once after that. Wait in the 2nd two teeth twice. Then, wait in the 3rd twice. Get all the way through the rest of the teeth.
Now, make your way to the meat area. First, fall directly into the acid (Death 18/20). Return to the same spot. Go left and use the ear. Grab the sausage. Vomit your way across the acid. Then, vomit up and on the alka-seltzer. This will destroy the third organ. Now, survive a third time and re-enter it.
Time for teeth number 4. They can also be annoying. Once the first tooth goes down, the pattern will be: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, all the way. After you're out, fall down by the door.
Then, roll all the way right through the heart door. You will approach the final boss. Use him. You will get in a buttonmashing battle with it. Just keep buttonmashing with your mouth open and let it spit right into your mouth (Death 19/20).
Respawn. Now is the time to win! You must buttonmash to lick the eye, but stop whenever it opens its mouth. As he gets more and more damaged, he will begin to fire faster and faster (including double spits) so be careful. Wait until the spit hits you to tap again and be careful about the weird delay. Keep damaging him until he dies. This will unlock:
Eternal Light
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You will be eating dinner with Gramps and Doggo. Eventually, he will begin choking. Get out of your chair and just run around until he dies (Death 20/20).
All Faces Of Death
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If you got every achievement, congrats on the completion!
If not, respawn and save Gramps by clicking on him and buttonmashing. Use the drawers to his left for a level select.
2. General hints and tips
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