Engage NY Eureka Math 2nd Grade Module 5 Lesson 18 Answer Key
Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 5 Lesson 18 Problem Set Answer Key
Question 1.
Use the arrow way and counting on to solve.
a. 300 – 247
300 – 247 = 53.
In the above-given question,
given that,
use the arrow way and counting on to solve.
300 – 247.
3 hundred = 300.
2 hundred = 200.
4 tens = 40.
7 ones = 7.
200 + 40 + 7 = 247.
300 – 247 = 53.
b. 600 – 465
600 – 465 = 135.
In the above-given question,
given that,
use the arrow way and counting on to solve.
600 – 465.
600 – 100 = 500.
500 – 35 = 465.
600 – 465 = 135.
Question 2.
Solve vertically, and draw a place value chart and chips. Rename in one step.
a. 507 – 359
507 – 359 = 148.
In the above-given question,
given that,
solve vertically, and draw a place value chart and chips.
507 – 359.
5 hundred = 500.
7 ones = 7.
500 + 7 = 507.
3 hundred = 300.
5 tens = 50.
9 ones = 9.
300 + 50 + 9 = 359.
507 – 359 = 148.
b. 708 – 529
708 – 529 = 179.
In the above-given question,
given that,
solve vertically, and draw a place value chart and chips.
708 – 529.
7 hundred = 700.
8 ones = 8.
700 + 8 = 708.
5 hundred = 500.
2 tens = 20.
9 ones = 9.
500 + 20 + 9 = 529.
708 – 529 = 179.
Question 3.
Choose a strategy to solve, and explain why you chose that strategy.
a. 600 – 437 | Explanation: |
600 – 437 = 163.
In the above-given question,
given that,
600 – 437.
600 – 100 = 500.
500 – 100 = 400.
400 + 37 = 437.
600 – 437 = 163.
b. 808 – 597 | Explanation: |
808 – 597 = 211.
In the above-given question,
given that,
808 – 597.
8 hundred = 800.
8 ones = 8.
800 + 8 = 808.
5 hundred = 500.
9 tens = 90.
7 ones = 7.
500 + 90 + 7 = 597.
808 – 597 = 211.
Question 4.
Prove the student’s strategy by solving both problems to check that their solutions are the same. Explain to your partner why this way works.
800 – 543 = 257.
799 – 542 = 257.
In the above-given question,
given that,
the student’s strategy is the same.
800 – 543 = 257.
799 – 542 = 257.
257 + 542 = 799.
Question 5.
Use the simplifying strategy from Problem 4 to solve the following two problems.
a. 600 – 547
600 – 547 = 53.
In the above-given question,
given that,
600 – 547.
600 – 100 = 500.
500 + 47 = 547.
600 – 547 = 53.
b. 700 – 513
700 – 513 = 187.
In the above-given question,
given that,
700 – 513.
700 – 100 = 600.
600 – 100 = 500.
500 + 13 = 513.
700 – 513 = 187.
Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 5 Lesson 18 Exit Ticket Answer Key
Choose a strategy to solve, and explain why you chose that strategy.
Question 1.
1. 400 – 265 | Explanation: |
400 – 265 = 135.
In the above-given question,
given that,
400 – 265.
400 – 100 = 300.
300 – 35 = 265.
265 + 35 = 300.
400 – 265 = 135.
Question 2.
2. 507 – 198 | Explanation: |
507 – 198 = 309.
In the above-given question,
given that,
507 – 198.
507 – 100 = 407.
407 – 100 = 307.
307 – 100 = 207.
207 – 9 = 198.
507 – 198 = 309.
Eureka Math Grade 2 Module 5 Lesson 18 Homework Answer Key
Question 1.
Use the arrow way and counting on to solve.
a. 700 – 462
700 – 462 = 238.
In the above-given question,
given that,
700 – 462.
700 – 100 = 600.
600 – 100 = 500.
500 – 100 = 400.
400 + 62 = 462.
700 – 462 = 238.
b. 900 – 232
900 – 232 = 668.
In the above-given question,
given that,
900 – 232.
900 – 100 = 700.
700 – 100 = 600.
600 + 68 = 668.
900 – 232 = 668.
Question 2.
Solve vertically, and draw a place value chart and chips. Rename in one step.
a. 907 – 467
907 – 467 = 440.
In the above-given question,
given that,
907 – 467.
9 hundred = 900.
7 ones = 7.
900 + 7 = 907.
4 hundred = 400.
6 tens = 60.
7 ones = 7.
400 + 60 + 7 = 467.
907 – 467 = 440.
b. 803 – 667
803 – 667 = 136.
In the above-given question,
given that,
803 – 667.
8 hundred = 800.
3 ones = 3.
800 + 3 = 803.
6 hundred = 600.
6 tens = 60.
7 ones = 7.
600 + 60 + 7 = 667.
803 – 667 = 136.
Question 3.
Choose a strategy to solve, and explain why you chose that strategy.
a. 700 – 390 | Explanation: |
700 – 390 = 310.
In the above-given question,
given that,
700 – 390.
7 hundred = 700.
3 hundred = 300.
9 tens = 90.
300 + 90 = 390.
700 – 390 = 310.
b. 919 – 657 | Explanation: |
919 – 657 = 262.
In the above-given question,
given that,
919 – 657.
9 hundred = 900.
1 ten = 10.
9 ones = 9.
900 + 10 + 9 = 919.
6 hundred = 600.
5 tens = 50.
7 ones = 7.
600 + 50 + 7 = 657.
919 – 657 = 262.
Question 4.
Explain why 300 – 186 is the same as 299 – 185.
300 – 186 = 114.
299 – 185 = 114.
In the above-given question,
given that,
yes both the problems get the same answer.
300 – 186 = 114.
299 – 185 = 114.
Question 5.
Solve 500 – 278 using the simplifying strategy from Problem 4.
500 – 278 = 222.
In the above-given question,
given that,
5 hundred = 500.
2 hundred = 200.
7 tens = 70.
8 ones = 8.
200 + 70 + 8 = 278.
500 – 278 = 222.